September 2-4 – Hilton London Tower Bridge (Hybrid Event)
The Internet has changed our way of working, communicating, living, producing and accessing information; everything is available on an open and flexible infrastructure accessible to all, most of the time free of cost. However – for the sake of resources trustworthiness, reliability and reuse – the availability of meta-information about their authenticity, integrity, provenance, custody and relations with other items is crucial.
In the last decades, due to the digital transition, a vast part of the world’s cultural heritage has been transformed into complex structured and unstructured digital data, information and knowledge now referred to as Digital Heritage Assets (DHAs). Such assets represent a key factor in the development of the European Social and Cultural Innovation sector as well as the GLAMs, Digital Humanities and the Heritage Science fields. The whole of these DHAs stored in public or private cloud clouds or servers is defined as Data Space, and together with all the stakeholders involved in the various phases of the DHA lifecycle (content creators, aggregators, publishers, data centers, services and research infrastructures etc.) compose the so called Digital Cultural Heritage Ecosystem (DCHE).
Due to the relevance of the DHAs for the definition and representation of cultural, national and social identities, the repositories in which they are stored become – in some sense – the caretakers of the collective heritage of a country, region etc., with the mission of preserving tangible and intangible aspects related to its culture, eventually allowing the possibility to reconstruct its historical journey. Within a DCHE, DHAs are generated by organizations and flow across multiple jurisdictions under different and uncertain custody, control, policies, techniques, vulnerabilities, etc. and with the increasing use of automated techniques and agents to make decisions around and through such assets. However, as both the value and the attack surface of the DHAs are increasing, the possibility for them to become the target of an attack is increasing as well.
In fact, the threats posed by terrorism and war are multidimensional. Attackers become more flexible and adaptable, able to carry out attacks on different targets. In this respect, since a cyberattack is considered a legitimate form of warfare, the new threat defined by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova as “cultural cleansing” adds the digital heritage assets to the mosaic of targets for a cyber-attack. The need to move the protection of cultural heritage to a new level had been already mentioned in the Communication on Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Fight against Terrorism by the European Commission back in 2004, where a definition of critical infrastructure that included cultural and natural heritage had been provided. Thus, it is necessary to manage DCHE and the related DHAs as a critical infrastructure sustaining their dependability and resilience against unwanted disruption events.
The present workshop aims to collect novel approaches, research technologies, best practices and Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) on the management of Digital Cultural Heritage Ecosystem and the related complex DHAs to be treated as critical infrastructures. A selection of the best papers will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the Digital Library Perspective Journal (Emerald).
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics, which include but are not limited to the following:
› Custody, provenance, authenticity
› Ontologies, knowledge graphs
› Decision support systems
› Metadata formats and quality
› Digital preservation
› Trusted digital repositories
› Open archives security
› Digital rights management
› Data integrity, confidentiality
› Digital identities
› Trust and anti-counterfeiting
› FAIR data
Paper submission deadline: June 3 June 30, 2024 AoE
Authors’ notification: July 3 July 14, 2024 AoE
Camera-ready submission: July 14 July 20, 2024 AoE
Early registration deadline: July 20, 2024 AoE
Workshop date: September 2-4, 2024
The workshop’s proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore. The guidelines for authors, manuscript preparation guidelines, and policies of the IEEE CSR conference are applicable to DR-DCHE 2024 workshop. Please visit the authors’ instructions page for more details. When submitting your manuscript via the conference management system, please make sure that the workshop’s track 2T8 DR-DCHE is selected in the Topic Areas drop down list.
Workshop chairs
Anna Maira Tammaro, University of Parma (IT)
Emiliano degl’Innocenti, CNR/DARIAH (IT)
Emanuele Bellini, University of Rome Tre (IT)
Program committee
Alba Amato, University Vanvitelli (IT)
Valentina Bartalesi, ISTI-CNR (IT)
Giovanni Bergamin, AIB (IT)
Laurent Boch, RAI (IT)
Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence (IT)
Paolo Ceravolo, University of Milan (IT)
Ernesto Damiani, Kalifa University (UE)
Vincenzo Damiani, University of Wuerzburg (DE)
Luca Faramondi, Campus Biomedico (IT)
Stefano Ferilli, University of Bari (IT)
Francesco Flammini, SUPSI (CH)
Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria (IT)
Gilda Guerisoli, Banca Intesasanpaolo (IT)
Igor Linkov, USACE (US)
George Lutz, ESFRI (CH)
Paolo Merialdo, University of Roma Tre (IT)
Manfredi Merluzzi, University of Roma Tre (IT)
Maurizo Messina, AIB (IT)
Davor Orlic, University College London (UK)
Alessandro Provetti, Birkbeck, University of London (UK)
Francesco Pupo , University of Calabria (IT)
Marco Rendina, Europeana Fashion Heritage Association (IT)
Antonio Rizzo, University of Siena (IT)
Raffaella Santucci, Logos RI (IT)
Panagiotis Sargiannidis, University of Western Macedonia (GR)
Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma (IT)
Sarah Whatley, Coventry University (UK)
David Wrisley, NYU Abu Dhabi (UE)