2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience

2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR) Workshops, September 2–4, 2024 (Hybrid Conference)

Please review the entire form before starting to fill it out in order to ensure that you have provided all the required information.

Note: All * fields are required.
Topic Areas
To help match submissions to reviewers and sessions, please select the area(s) most applicable to your submission. If you just attending choose ONLY-ATTEND or if you are Exhibitor the EXCHIBITOR option.
General Information
If you just attending and you will not present a paper add as title ONLY-ATTEND-CURRENT DATE and TIME example ONLY-ATTEND-240620241446.
Please add all authors mentioned in the paper. If you just attending just fill the required first Author details.
Author 1
Author 2
Author 3
Contact Author
Author who will serve as the point of contact for correspondence about the submission.
Alternate contact information, such as personal email address or telephone number; used only if unable to contact using above email address.
Presenter Author
Keywords and Summary for conference program. The keywords should be comma separated followed by space. Max field size is 150 words. If you just attending write in both fields NO-PAPER and in "Submission Type" select "Other"
Please enter a password you will remember. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of this form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to this submission.
Anything you want to let the chairs know.
Please check over your entries, making sure everything is filled out. When ready, click on the Make New Submission button below once.


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